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Dear community,

(I hope this is the right forum, apologies if it isn't)

I have installed ARIS PPM as per the installation manual, added the licenses and am now trying to run ARIS PPM Customizing Toolkit 10.4 from the windows start menu (I've also tried manually running the .bat file it points to, and tried running both as administrator explicitly). It outputs an error and then closes immediatly after. I've enabled echoing in various files to get the following output, it runs this command right before the crash:

<code>C:\SoftwareAG\PPM\server\bin\agentLocalRepo\.unpacked\\ppm\ctk\bin>"C:\SoftwareAG\ppm\server\jre\bin\java.exe" -DprovisioningEnabled=true -Xmx1024m -classpath "";"C:\SoftwareAG\ppm\server\bin\work\data_ppm\config";"C:\SoftwareAG\ppm\server\bin\work\data_ppm\system\provisioning";"C:\SoftwareAG\ppm\server\bin\agentLocalRepo\.unpacked\\ppm\ctk\config";"C:\SoftwareAG\ppm\server\bin\agentLocalRepo\.unpacked\\ppm\ctk\ctk\config";"C:\SoftwareAG\ppm\server\bin\agentLocalRepo\.unpacked\\ppm\ctk\ctk\dtd";"C:\SoftwareAG\PPM\server\bin\agentLocalRepo\.unpacked\\ppm\ctk\ctk\ppmctklib\ppmpatch.jar";"C:\SoftwareAG\PPM\server\bin\agentLocalRepo\.unpacked\\ppm\ctk\ctk\ppmctklib\ppmspatch.jar";"C:\SoftwareAG\PPM\server\bin\agentLocalRepo\.unpacked\\ppm\ctk\ctk\lib\ppmbasecfg.jar";"C:\SoftwareAG\PPM\server\bin\agentLocalRepo\.unpacked\\ppm\ctk\ctk\lib\ppmbasecfgprops.jar";"C:\SoftwareAG\PPM\server\bin\agentLocalRepo\.unpacked\\ppm\ctk\ctk\lib\ppmcfg.jar";"C:\SoftwareAG\PPM\server\bin\agentLocalRepo\.unpacked\\ppm\ctk\ctk\lib\ppmcfgprops.jar";"C:\SoftwareAG\PPM\server\bin\agentLocalRepo\.unpacked\\ppm\ctk\ctk\lib\ppmloader.jar" -Djava.rmi.server.RMIClassLoaderSpi=default -Dsetupbase.logdir="C:\SoftwareAG\ppm\server\bin\work\data_ppm\system\log" -Dzkc.working.dir="C:\SoftwareAG\ppm\server\bin\work\data_ppm\system\provisioning" -DPPM5_HOME="" -DPPM9_HOME="C:\SoftwareAG\ppm\server\bin\agentLocalRepo\.unpacked\\ppm" -DPPM9_DATA=C:\SoftwareAG\ppm\server\bin\work\data_ppm -DPPM9_CTK_CLASSPATH="" com.idsscheer.ppm.configurator.main.ZCTKGui</code>

And then results in the following error message:

<code>Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError

        at com.idsscheer.ppm.configurator.main.ZCTKGui.runGui(

        at com.idsscheer.ppm.configurator.main.ZCTKGui.lambda$main$0(

        at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(

        at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(

        at java.awt.EventQueue.access$500(

        at java.awt.EventQueue$

        at java.awt.EventQueue$

        at Method)


        at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(

        at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(

        at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(

        at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(

        at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(

        at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(


Caused by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: bad width and/or height

        at Method)


        at sun.awt.CustomCursor.<init>(



        at com.idsscheer.ppm.client.gui.plaf.ZPPMLookAndFeel.<clinit>(</code>

So it looks to me like it's trying to create a custom cursor, fails and then quits. I don't have the slightest clue why this happens however, or how to solve it.

Additional info: the host machine is a windows 10, version 1803 build 17134.765, the ARIS PPM installation is of the smallest / demo type and version 10.4.

Please let me know if there is any further information that might help and thanks in advance,


by Thomas Bohn
Posted on Mon, 06/03/2019 - 13:57

Hello Joris,

can you name exactly which computer you're using? It could be a problem with the graphics card driver, which is having trouble loading one of the special ARIS PPM Custom cursors. 



by Joris Theunissen Author
Posted on Mon, 06/03/2019 - 14:33

In reply to by Thomas Bohn

Hello Thomas,

I am using a Dell XPS 15 9530, which has an NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M inside. I figured that would be good enough for a simple demo setup.

(I can't link to a full list of components because the forum automatically flags it as spam, but if you find it on dell's site and enter the service tag C94WF12 you can see the list)

I'll update my drivers and see if that changes anything.

Update: I'm afraid updating to the latest drivers did not resolve the issue.

Kind regards,


by Thomas Bohn
Posted on Tue, 06/04/2019 - 16:01

Hello Joris,

The problem most likely has its origin in the high-resolution screen display.  Please try the following: 

Open the Explorer and switch to the PPM installation and there into the directory <Installdir>\ppm\server\jre\. 

Select "java.exe" with the right mouse button and select "Properties". Choose tab "Compatibility" and press "Change high DPI settings" at the bottom of the dialog. In the next dialog only the lower checkbox "Override high DPI scaling behaviour" should be selected. Apply and restart PMM CTK.

It worked for me afterwards. I hope it works for you too.






by Joris Theunissen Author
Posted on Wed, 06/05/2019 - 08:53

In reply to by Thomas Bohn

Hello Thomas,

Your solution worked like a charm, thank you very much!

Small nitpick though for people not used to java installations, the java exe is in the bin directory of the directory you listed.

Kind regards,



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