Day three of Sapphire Now in Orlando, fourth keynote today featuring Prof. Dr. h.c. Hasso Plattner, Chairman of the SAP Supervisory Board and Vishal Sikka, SAP Executive Board Member, Leading Technology and Innovation! 

TIme and speed ARE the top topics today in really every sense!

As time and speed are an issue even in this keynote - Hasso and Vishal still struggling with time splitting in their presentation, this time Hasso using three quarters of available time and Vishal also massively runs out of time - I suggest SAP uses HANA for real-time monitoring of their keynotes ;-)


What do we take from Hasso Plattner's presentation today? - Customer experience confirms that SAP HANA is so much easier than SAP ever before and has a very high quality and is stability! - SAP will not set only on SAP HANA and will further support customers on OLTP! - SAP will focus on what is now fundamently different and  will consider & enable mobile for every application and all data, anytime and anywhere!     Several live demos from Sam confirms the power of mobile and in-memory: - live sales demo based on Business One showing real-time ATP check and rescheduling including Text search, Semantic navigation, Real-time analytics! - Bigpoint - an online gaming company - uses SAP HANA for real-time processing to get data from events online and displays it real-time with graphs on ipad! - Hasso then takes us to the basics, looking via video at the source of in-memory in the server room where hundreds of  terabytes of in-memory are stored and enable high availability and excellent processing times!   Burberry is once again on stage with its chief technology well chief information officer joking while demonstrating SAP HANA usage collecting data from internal systems, social media, and combining them to improve customer experience and make data available for all, at all times, to answer complex questions, interactively, using large amount of data of different types, in real-time, with high-speed and no pre-aggregates.   HANA is real and impressive – The demo of a HANA box with 100 TB memory (before only 1 TB) and highest availability showed that shutting down two memory nodes had NO impact!


HANA Momentum:

  • 353 customers
  • 145 live
  • 56,500 end users
  • 1791 trained consultants
  • Widespread adoption eg burberry, haier group, adobe, T Mobile, CISCO
  • Technology frontiers (OLTP & OLAP, different applications systems, ...)
  • breaktrough performance
After one hour and fourty five minutes of speaking time for Hasso ... it's now Vishal's turn to give the HANA momentum and do some announcements.   Some announcements: SAP visual intelligence as an end-user BI New sales and operation planning application SAP HANA available for SAP NW Cloud based developing services on Amazon instances Free click trough developers licences     To summarize SAP HANA has really tremendous power and possibilties. Companies really have to check how and where it makes sense for them. But SAP HANA is NOT a toy you just do use to speed up for the sake of speeding up. NO considering SAP HANA really has to rely on real business needs and requirements, anaylizing your company's business, finding out bottlenecks, challenges and improvement potential based on business process analysis. SAP HANA is not the goal but the enabling technology to do better business and improve performance!

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