If there is just ONE single thing ARIS is famous for : then it's the so-called EPC.

*** Raise your hand if you do not know the EPC ***

EPC stands for event-driven process chain and is one of the central modeling notation in ARIS. It integrates all relevant business perspectives, describes processes in detail on a procedural level and is embedded in the overall ARIS process landscape.

Still EPC is a very comprehensive modeling notation and requires an overview to get the most out of it. That's why we created an EPC cheat sheet.

The EPC cheat sheet includes:

- overview on the EPC core elements

- additional extended elements that are traditionally used to detail the pure process flow

So get your free cheat sheet copy today! 


To the download: cs-aris-epc-en.pdf (ariscommunity.com)

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And if you've got any feedback, pls. feel free to share with us :-)

Josèphe Blondaut
from the ARIS team

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