Let's get this year's Software AG's IUG started.  Every day of this week, another ARIS Product Marketing team member will summarize and give you highlights from the presentations. Still if you are not in already, get there now - LAST CHANCE: https://reg.ubivent.com/start/IUG2020

(Note: at the end of my article you'll find all the links to the live reviews)

Look: you can sit just as you want - and NO-ONE will know :-)))))) share on linkedin


After you register successfully (by the way was pretty easy!)

So what's up today? Here are today's highlights:

Welcome from Pep Rosenfeld

Somehow I suspect this is your preferred part and your children are watching wih you....and well I wonder what our partners have to say about this corporate naming discussions ;-) Well I must admit I did clap in my living room <3 

Special hint for Pep for you to get it rightARIS is simply much more powerful than "ares" the Greek god of war ;-) EASY!

Sanjay Brahmawar, Chief Executive Officer, Software AG gave us a short update from the CEO, before handing over to Dr. Stefan Sigg, our CPO, with updates on the product strategy and key innovations.

I of course just pick out the key innovation for ARIS which is, tadaaaaaa...... ALL NEW, CLOUD-BORN, FAST and BEAUTIFUL PROCESS MINING. So easy that our CPO  loves to do the live demo by himself, here's the proof:



Last but not least an exiting panel discussion with live Q&A on “Business as unusual”
incl. Dr. Stefan Sigg, CPO, Software AG, Bernd Gross, CTO, Software AG & Sven Roeleven, SVP Global Presales & Industry Solutions, Software AG

In a nutshell a truly connected enterprise will help you to stand out from the competition, whatever the economic situation, whatever your industry. 


So I'm done for today.


Day 2 has started and you'll find some insights from my colleague Markus here (exciting news from around process mining !!!)

OMG - it's already day 3? but keep cool and read the live review of my colleague Elke. and learn from Outokumpu why managing a successful transformation is easy!

One more day is over :-0 my colleague Christina gives you her insights on what was going in day 4 sessions.  MAke sure to read it!

Unbelievable but true, it's already over, don't miss the review of day 5.

Take care and SEE you next year!

Your ARIS team

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