Hence it needs ARIS to best support ?

ARIS anchors sustainability in your organization’s operations by integrating it into business process management.

As BPM focuses on understanding and improving business processes, ARIS for sustainability enables organizations towards more environmentally and socially sustainable operations and the related governance while creating one single source of truth for its stakeholders’ groups.

ARIS for sustainability

ARIS for sustainbility brings:

Transparency - Assess and structure initiatives, detail actions and disclose goals from strategy to operations in one single EMS.

Control - Control process execution, compliance to rules & regulations and employee engagement.

Accountability -  Report on initiatives & prove progress – data-driven and automatically creates stakeholder’s trust.


Let's get started NOW: either learn more about our offering Sustainability for Business | BPM Green | ARIS for Sustainability (softwareag.com) or download directly and for free now: Software AG - Download Center



....and I am more than happy to get your feedback  ?


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