I would like to know if it is possible to generate a model with related objects in multiple levels of nested boxes via ARIS script ? Just like the nested objects layout in Query result or the treemap in Alfabet.
For example, I want to programmatically nest BPMN diagrams in an object that represents their parent group.
Thanks !
If you can find a suitable model type, suitable symbol types and object types, it's possible.
A couple of hints:
- give the occurrences that have embedded occurrences a lower Z order than the occurrences that are embedded ( for the embedding occurrence embeddingOcc.setZOrder(someLowInt) and/or for each emedded occurrence embeddedOccc.setZOrder(someHighInt) )
- get the right x and y plus height and width for your embedding occurrence: while placing the occurrences that represent models, also collect them in an array. Afterwards sort your array with ArisData.sort(...) and then do some maths to figure out the position and dimensions of your emdedding occurrence.
- If you want ARIS to draw implied connections in between your embedding occurrence and the embedded occurrences (so that it doesn't just look like they are in a relationship, but also actually are in a relationship), use the embeddingOcc.addEmbeddedObjOcc(...) method.