Ran across a very odd situation where one of our users has the New Connections Only Right Angled selected within their options, however, when making connections on their models, they are not being made at a right angle. The user has to go into the Connection Properties and update the Connection Appearance so the Connections Only Right Angled is turned on. The Arrange à Layout will put the connections at right angles, but once again, if new connections are added, they are not at right angles. What is more odd, this is not happening for every model the user creates, sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn’t. It also appears to be isolated to specific users. Has anyone encountered anything like this and if so, what was done to resolve the issue?
Assuming you are accessing ARIS through web you have to check in the following location in the server.
<ARIS installation directory>\server\html\config\oem01\user.cfg
<user type="default:model">
<userdata type="printscale" value="100" />
<userdata type="black_white" value="false" />
<userdata type="header_footer" value="true" />
<userdata type="scale" value="100" />
<userdata type="rightangle" value="true" />
Check if the value is true. I believe fixing this would solve the problem.
Abhijit Das