I'm a beginner in the use of the simulation tool in ARIS with BPMN models.
I've learned enough to create a simple process model with one task to learn how to run the simulation tool.
From what I can tell, I specify the inter-arrival time of work using the Frequency group attributes associated with the BPMN Start event. These attributes seem to allow only specifying constant inter-arrival time.
For those familiar with queueing theory, my simple process model is a D/M/1 queueing model.
However, I'd like to specify other types of inter-arrival distributions. For example, I'd like to define exponential inter-arrival time to create a M/M/1 queue to test out the ARIS simulation tool. Since the M/M/1 has closed form formulas, I can validate the results I get from the simulation with this simple queueing model. This way I know if I've parameterized simulation model correctly.
For processing time, I can specify a variety of time distributions, e.g., deterministic, exponential, normal, ... I'd like to do the same for inter-arrival times.
Is there a way to specify a non-constant inter-arrival time distribution?
Thank you.