Primary there a document that shows correct BPMN model constructs to use in conjunction with ARIS simulation?  Right now I'm using the on-line help information, which is helpful in some ways but, at least for me, is tedious to go through and have some gaps.  I'm trying to provide guidance to the folks who are creating BPMN models that facilitate simulating the models.

Right now many of the BPMN models created do not seem to work well with the simulation tool.  For example, the following is an santitized excerpt of a model created by one of our BPMN modelers that we are trying to simulate.  This represents a parallel split-join.  However, under some conditions, the process is terminated if certain condition occurs in one of the parallel task.  In looking at the simulation ouptput for Gateways (cumul), I noticed a negative number  (-313) for the count of folders waiting for the "Parallel Join" gateway.  This does not make sense.


An alternative representation is the following.  Using this representation, there are no negative values.  The only difference is where the gateway test occurs.  Is Version 2 the better ("correct") way to model this type of construct?


Any guidance will be appreciated.  Thank you.

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