I have several hundred models that I want to use the Change Management feature of ARIS to document the lifecylce of the models. From what I can tell, using the out-of-the-box Changement Management function of ARIS I have to select each model one at a time.
Since it does not look like I can select multiple models at once for Change Mangement, I think the next best solution is to code an ARIS Script to set the require Change Management attributes. While I'm familiar with ARIS Scripting and have written some simple ones, I'm not an expert.
I've been trying to find in the method documetation for Scrpting, the attributes for Change Management. Thus far with no success.
Are the Change Management Attributes, such as the "Remarks", "Responsible", "Status" attributes, available thru ARIS Scripting? If yes, under what object are these attributes found?
Any guidance will be appreciated.
Jim T
Hi Jim,
There is an attribute Constants.AT_HISTORY that contains all the information about change management. To add an entry to this attribute you need to format it in the correct way otherwise your display will be out of sync.
it will be something like this:
function WriteChangeHistory(sproposal, sremark, srequser, srespuser, omodel) { var nLoc = Context.getSelectedLanguage(); var c_sstart = "-----------------------------------"; var suser = "system"; var sdate = new Date(); var wdate = new java.util.Date(sdate); var sdformat = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("MMM dd, yyyy HH:mm:ss a"); var scdate = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yy/dd/MM"); if(srequser == "") {srequser = ArisData.getActiveUser().Name(nLoc);} if(srespuser == "") {srespuser = ArisData.getActiveUser().Name(nLoc);} // if(sremark > "") { var shistory = c_sstart+srequser+" ( "+sdformat.format(wdate)+" )"+" <1427>"+sproposal+"<1425> <1429>"; shistory += sremark+" <1423> <1422> <1422|572> <1426>"+srespuser+" <1424> "+scdate.format(wdate); if(omodel.Attribute(Constants.AT_HISTORY, g_nloc).GetValue(true) > "") { shistory = omodel.Attribute(Constants.AT_HISTORY, g_nloc).GetValue(true)+"\n"+shistory; } omodel.Attribute(Constants.AT_HISTORY, g_nloc).setValue(shistory); } }