Hello Aris experts,

During the synchronization of my project, the structure of one  scenario (with +- 43 processes linked) was totally deleted on SOLMAN, however  this structure was already created in ARIS.

Below are the error messages about the scenario deleted:

Tue Jun 18 18:47:36 BRT 2013 - Deleting: Scenario 'ERP - Dados Mestres'

Tue Jun 18 19:14:17 BRT 2013 - WARNING: The sequence below project node 'ERP - Dados Mestres' is inconsistent. Gaps or duplicate entries were found.

Tue Jun 18 19:14:17 BRT 2013 - Error while transferring element 'Scenario ERP - Dados Mestres'. Synchronization was canceled because at least one subordinate element does not comply with the consistency rules.

Another error:

NOTE: Element 'TRM-01-Dados Mestres TRM' was skipped because the symbol type is ignored during synchronization

Someone has already faced these issues before? Could help me, please?

Thanks much!


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