As I understand MZ is not intended to work with mobile devices. Am I right?
Though it would run on any platform supporting Adobe Flash (client part of MZ), it fseems like it' would rather not to show a great performance in a mobile browser. Powerful flash applications are still rather heavy for mobiles, and MZ design (interface, widgets) seems not suitable for most mobile device screen sizes.
Would someone comment on using MZ in mobiles and plans for it?
Solution for iPhone is of great interest.
5 Replies
You describe the situation correctly. Currently there is no mobile support within MashZone.
iOS (iPhone & co.) does not support Adobe's Flex. Although Android 2.2 offers Flex MashZone will still need an upgrade since--AFAIK--Flex 4 was required. And there is still RIM's Blackberry…
So we are aware of the requirement but don't expect any enhancement on a short-term. As Flex seems not portable to each mobile platform it causes us some efforts. Other requirements like screen sizes or multi-touch user interfaces need to be keept in mind, too.
any news about this topic? Will there be any mobile-oriented feature in version 2.1?
MashZone 2.1 as a minor release will not have any specific support for mobile platforms. However at the moment we are evaulating MashZone for the Android platform. This could be a potential topic for the next major version of MashZone.
To provide a sound solution for the mobile market, we would implement a dedicated client app (MashApp Viewer) to open and use MashApps. In a dedicated app, mobile features like gestures, adapted ui contols would be used. Also, mobile specific performance optimizations could be implemented.
Please note that these are all just considerations!
Software AG must be aware that not having a clear roadmap on mobile is a big lack of vision and strategy. We have a big pressure from the market in order to move dashboard on mobile devices. This could be really a killer application.