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Hello, everyone.

Do you happen to know the way to highlight negative values with color on a bar chart?

Seems like it's not implemented yet. Am I right?

Highlighting the chart area is not the point.

by Stephan Freudl
Posted on Wed, 10/06/2010 - 10:39

Hi Konstantin,

there are multiple ways to visualize values in MashZone. Using thresholds you could illustrate values by color codes or symbols. This is possible in

  • Speedometers - the background is colored, indicator needle enters areas
  • Charts - background is colored as you already indicated
  • Traffic lights - state via symbols and/or color
  • Tables - background color of cells and/or a symbols (exclamation mark or checkbox for instance).

A MashApp called "Demo feature overview" ships with each MashZone installation (use the link to experience the MashApp live in the cloud without even installing MashZone on your local machine). It illustrates all samples mentioned above. And on our website there is video dedicated to thresholds.

What is currently not implemented is changing the chart bar's colors. Rationale for it is bar colors are used to differentiate groups of bars.

Maybe adjusting the axis scale could help in your case; this has been illustrated on the right hand side of another sample from feature overview.



by Konstantin Dudura Author
Posted on Thu, 10/07/2010 - 03:35

Thank you Stephan for the detailed answer.

My question was about  changing the chart bar's colors. User wants bars with negative value to be in red while positive in blue. As I have understood, that's not implemented yet.

Sorry for the inaccurate statement of the question.


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