Hi everybody,

I have a quit urgent issue to solve on MAshzone.

Here is the thing : my client wants me to make a Mashupp with 4 tab and each tab is a focus of the previous one. (FYI each tab is composed with a table)

My problem is to filter the table in the tab 2 with a line of the table in the tab 1 (and the same thing between tab 2/3 and 3/4).

I found a solution with calling the URL of the tab that I aim through a picture (in "specify link) but it takes me to another window and it's quite complicated.

Is there a way to do what I want or it's just not possible  

Thanks for your time !


Kamil Benyahia


by Helmut Barro
Posted on Wed, 05/29/2013 - 08:50

Filtering is currently not possible between tabs.


What you could do is to place the tables that are to be filtered on the Master tab, and make them only visible on the tab you want to use them. Then you can filter these tables using selections from each other.


by kamil Benyahia Author
Posted on Wed, 05/29/2013 - 10:20


I also thought about this solution but the problem is that the user has to manually change the tab ... but if it's the better way to do it it's probably what I'm gonna do !

Anyway, thanks for your help !


Kamil Benyahia

by Shikha manchanda
Posted on Wed, 06/12/2013 - 11:53

Hi ,

I want to know about MAshzone. Please provide more information - what is this, how it is different from ARIS business Designer, what all we can do using MAshzone. how can we use this app.

Waiting for the reply. Hope to see it soon.

Thanks for your help and time!!


Shikha Manchanda



by Nicolas Ballarin
Posted on Thu, 06/13/2013 - 17:34

You can use the specify link and avoid to open a new window...
In the options of the specify links, just put "_self" instead of "_new" which is the default behaviour I think.


by Shikha manchanda
Posted on Tue, 07/02/2013 - 16:05

Hi Marie,

Thanks a lot for your reply!!.


shikha Manchanda


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