We have a number of objects created in ARIS (policy objects) which have multiple date attribute specified. On a monthly basis a number of these objects and their attributes need to be updated. Utilising the 'Export attribute values for translation' and 'Import translated attributes' reports we can update any text attributes easily.
However the same reports do not update date attributes. Does anyone know how to update multiple date attributes through Excel or another method?
Have you tried the attribute wizard (only available in ARIS Architect)? Do a multi-select of your policy-objects and start the Attribute-Wizard on them. Then you can set any attribute of multiple objects simultaneously to the same value.
The report you mentioned was intended primarily for the purpose its name states: Translations. Dates are language independent, though date formats may differ.
so I understood you want to edit all objects individually just like in an Excel spreadsheet. This is how it goes:
1. Create a Table model
2. Place all the objects you want to edit regularly in column A from cell A2 downwards.
3. Place the date attribute you want to edit for all objects in cell B1. The formula is =ARIS_ATTRIBUTE("Attribute name"). You can type the attribute name of your date attribute. ARIS will replace it with the technical API name or the GUID, if it is a user-defined attribute.
4. In cell B2 you enter the formula "=ARIS_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE(A2;B$1)" (without the quotes); the date attribute value for the object in cell A2 shows in the cell B2.
5. Copy that formula into the cells of column B below, so the attribute value shows for each object.
6. Save the model.
7. Happy editing of your date attributes. It's almost like an Excel report - just better: The attributes are changed immediately as you enter them.