Hello everybody,
I installed Aris Express 2.4b (express.jnlp) on my Linux System (openSUSE 13.1 64bit).
That worked smoothly, IcedTea WebStart started the installer, licencing was done, a desktop button and a directory (/home/USER/.icedtea/cache/0/http/download.ariscommunity.com) were created.
While Aris Express starts, a temporary directory is created (/tmp/ARISExpress).
BUT when i click on any button on the home screen (diagram types), NOTHING happens at all.
I can navigate the toolbar, but when i want to create a new diagram, the window with the diagram types pops up and clicking on one of them again is a dead end. Same with the recent used diagrams.
Has anybody any hint or idea what is wrong and can be done? Thanks!
Aris Express: 2.4b -
JRE: 1.7.0_51 (OpenJDK 7 -, IcedTeaWeb 1.4.2)
System: openSUSE 13.1 (x86_64), Linux 3.11.10-21-desktop, KDE 4.13.3