
how can I change the format templates (e.g. the logo) for the standard reports in ARIS Cloud (Basic/Advanced) and ARIS Connect?



by Runé Becker
Badge for 'Mastermind' achievement
Posted on Thu, 03/16/2023 - 10:49

Dear Klemens,

You can replace the existing graphical logos via the downloadable ARIS Advanced Architect:

However, ARIS Cloud Basic doesn't offer to change the few built-in report scripts.


by Klemens Hauk Author
Posted on Thu, 03/16/2023 - 18:17

Dear Runé,

thanks for the response.

I am working with ARIS Architect

It's working in my system only if I modify the script atsallde.js in the following way:

 //var pictleft  = Context.createPicture(Constants.IMAGE_LOGO_LEFT);
    var pictleft  = Context.createPicture("LOGO_L.gif");

Is there a difference between Administration in ARIS Architect and in ARIS Advanced Architect?

In general: It's a pity again that ARIS Basic is very restricted.



by Martin Schröder
Badge for 'Contributor' achievement
Posted on Wed, 03/22/2023 - 17:00

Hello Klemens,

if you change Common files\atsallde.js or exchange any of the default Logo*.* image files on the server, they will be overwritten by the next release or patch update.

BTW Constants.IMAGE_LOGO_LEFT is the same as LogoL.* depending on the selected output format.

If you want a clean, sustainable way to use your custom logo you can upload it to Common files and duplicate the standard script before you change the reference to your image file.

Regards, Martin

by Klemens Hauk Author
Posted on Wed, 03/22/2023 - 18:09

Hello Martin,

that's for sure that modifications in standard files are overwritten by new updates. So I am not really interested to do this if not necessary. I cannot understand that there is no other way to change the format templates of the reports. If not, this is from my point of view an urgent change request.

Regards Klemens

by Klemens Hauk Author
Posted on Thu, 04/06/2023 - 09:53


I come back to my original request regarding the format template of the ARIS reports. It's not only the logo and the header to be changed but e.g. also the format from portrait to landscape. Generally ist is better to provide the landscape format because of better readable modell graphics in a print out. For sure I can change all manually in WORD but it is a waste of time to do it each time again.  Do you have any idea except designing my own reports? How does ARIS reporting work internally. Is there any hidden dot/dotx template that I can modfy?

Regards Klemens

by Runé Becker
Badge for 'Mastermind' achievement
Posted on Fri, 04/07/2023 - 15:59

Dear Klemens,

For each report script you can set the page layout option to either portrait or landscape. Did you try that?

As for the logos I was told that you need to export/import those logo files which are saved in EMF file format. That way you won't need to modify the built-in file atsallde.js, which is, as Martin already said, subject to be overwritten by ARIS updates and patches. Does that work for you?


by Klemens Hauk Author
Posted on Sat, 04/08/2023 - 13:57

Dear Runè,

For each report script you can set the page layout option to either portrait or landscape. Did you try that?

Yes thank you, this works setting the format in the report area in the Administrator tool. That's ok (but not very elegant) if providing two versions of the report by copying. This seems to be the only solution to give the modeler the possibility to decide whether to use landscape or portrait.

As for the logos I was told that you need to export/import those logo files which are saved in EMF file format. That way you won't need to modify the built-in file atsallde.js, which is, as Martin already said, subject to be overwritten by ARIS updates and patches. Does that work for you?

As I told in an earlier post this does not work either with the gif version nor with the emf version.

Regards and happy easter Klemens

by Martin Schröder
Badge for 'Contributor' achievement
Posted on Thu, 04/27/2023 - 16:15

In reply to by keha

Hello Klemens,

for my custom reports it worked to simply upload a logo in PNG or JPEG format to Common Files. This can be referenced by the file name, e.g. for output format DOC(X)

var image = Context.createPicture("myLogo.jpg");
outputObj.OutGraphic(image, -1, 60, 36);

Regards, Martin


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