Is there a way in the process mining tool to crop the process to focus only on the flow between two specific activities? i.e. showing activities between two milestones only?
For example in a P2P process, cropping the process only from purchase request creation to goods receipt, while ignoring the invoicing part.
Best regards,
Hi Kiarash,
Currently you can select process flows with a certain characteristic, e.g. only processes flowing through "purchase requisition creation" (eventually | directly | not directly | never followed by) "Goods receipt".
The visual hiding of certain activities is currently possible using our two sliders to show only the most common activities and connections:
The visualization of only a certain selection of activities is not yet possible, but sounds like a promising use case. Please do not hesitate to share your idea in our ideas portal: http://processmining.ideas.aha.io
Thanks a lot and best regards