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Коллеги, доброго всем времени суток!

Сталкивался кто-нибудь с задачей анализа посещений ARIS PPM Dashboard?

Насколько я понял, сам дашборд подобных логов не пишет.

Выход - посмотреть через Tomcat5, являющийся для нашего дашборда web-сервером? Но в его логах (c$\Tomcat5\logs\) ничего полезного я не нашел. Может, как-то нужно его дополнительно сконфигурировать?

Буду благодарен за любые идеи.

p.s. Sorry for my English! I translated the text with automatic translator:



Colleagues, good day!

Who's faced with the task of analyzing someone visits ARIS PPM Dashboard?

As I understand it, the very similar dashboard does not write logs.

Possible solution - to look through the Tomcat5, which is a dashboard for our web-server? But in his log (c $ \ Tomcat5 \ logs \) I can not find useful information. Maybe somehow need to configure it further?

I would be grateful for any ideas.


by Rik van der Schalie
Posted on Wed, 04/04/2012 - 13:36

Would love to comment. Sadly I do not read Cyrilic and understand (presumably) Russian. If you could repost your question in English (or german for that matter) you will reach a greater audience.

by Kirill Kichichidi Author
Posted on Wed, 04/04/2012 - 13:59

Thank you for advice.

English text added below the Russian.


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