All of a sudden I am no longer able to logon to the C5P server from ARIS to run a SolMan -> ARIS Sync. There have been no changes to the AD and I am able to logon to C5P with my username and password.
Would a reset of the connection be an option to resolve or would this cause all data already synced to be lost?
Just it seems no connection to the Server ..you can open the solar log files in ARIS10\log\solar_<number>.log and also in ARIS Server on the folders work\work_umcadmin_X\base\logs and work_abs_Xs\base\webapps\abs\log ( replace the X for your current sizing )
These solar log files can provide more details about this error, and when you said ' I am able to logon to C5P', this was done via SAP logon from the same computer of ARIS ?