Profile picture for user knircky

Hello ARIS Community,

we have just launched a new podcast for Process Intelligence and Performance Management that will cover anything that is hot, new and useful in this area. It is designed for anybody that is interested in Process Intelligence, whether you are a user, decision maker or somebody who implements and manages process reporting for your organization.

To get the podcast simply go to iTunes and search for "Process Intelligence", "Performance Management", "IDS Scheer" etc. and the podcast will appear for you to download. You can also use those direct links below in case you have installed iTunes already:

We will publish a new episode every month both in an audio and video version. You can subscribe for whichever medium you like better directly in iTunes and will get your monthly update automatically.

If you are not using iTunes at all, you can download the current episode using the following direct links. In this case, make sure to subscribe to the feed of this group so that you get notified as soon as a new episode is available!

We hope this to be interactive and will greatly appreciate any feedback as well as your suggestion for future topics. You can let us know what you think directly via this thread in the ARIS Community or email us at

We hope you enjoy the podcast and await your feedback.

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