
I'm facing an error when I try to save the definition copy of an object.

I follow  the below steps before I get the error:

1)Open the model

2)Right click on a particular object that is already existing in the model and click on Copy

3)Then I choose paste as "Definition Copy" in the same model

4)Now when I try to save that model, I get the below error(Please refer below screenshot)

Meaning it is not allowing me to save the model, by click on the save option on the top left corner, however when I forcefully close the model the changes(new definition copy)are saved already, could anyone assist in finding the exact reason for this. I believe the error notification is because of creating a duplicate of Definition Copy of an object,please correct me if I'm wrong.

Could anyone assist in finding why the above error might have caused.Thanks in advance.



Krishna Boddu


Posted on Wed, 05/15/2019 - 15:09


Can anyone please help me in resolving the above issue. I've done Database Optimization as well , but still the issue is getting replicated.Can someone tell me the exact difference between making the copy of an object as a "Definition Copy" and  as an "Occurence Copy" I believe we can only have one definition copy of an object and more than one occurence copy, if my assumption is right, is it the only reason for the above issue getting replicated.Could somebody from the community help me with this.

Thanks and Regards,

Krishna Boddu


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