Hello to all,
The person in charge of the models has some issues with Aris modeling. It happens mainly when he tries to save models (but not all the times). When the problem happens, either Aris crashes (Windows keeps responding, but Aris is completely frozen), or sometimes he gets an error message.
Here is the error message (partly translated from French, as it is the language of the user) that Java displays :
Impossible to save. Internal error - error while information retrieving - 196 [Sybase][ODBC Driver][SQL Anywhere] Index "Definition_GUID" for table "Definition" would no be unique
Has anyone experienced the same issue ? Is there any way to solve this ?
To me, it appears from the error message that the problem is related to an index integrity in a table of the Sybase database. But I may be wrong. Is there any way to regenerate the index, either in Aris or directly in the Sybase DB ?
Thanks in advance for your help,