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My organization had bought Oracle BPA and we were told that it includes IT Architect. I would like to know what is the difference between Oracle BPA and ARIS IT Architect? Is there a feature by feature comparison chart? As I ponder I tend to be more confuse because if my intent is to develop Enterprise Architecture, do I buy from Oracle or do I buy from ARIS?



by Uwe Roediger
Posted on Tue, 02/23/2010 - 10:43

Dear Kuan,

Oracle BPA Suite does not contain ARIS IT Architect. Detailed information about ARIS IT Architect you can find at our webpage in the product/solutions section. A comparison of features makes no sense, because both products contain all features of ARIS  Business Architect, but no specific features of IT Architect are present in OBPA.

But there is a way to combine OBPA with ARIS products. You have simply to purchase the needed IDS products (ARIS Business Server, ARIS IT Architect/Designer) and to use a special setup, called enrichment setup. On machines where OBPA already is installed you have after enrichment setup two clients, one the original OBPA client and a second one offering all features from both products. You can now work with OBPA and ARIS on the same database. But this approach makes only sense, if you want to combine the use cases of OBPA and IT Architect: Oracle specific process execution and ARIS based Enterprise Architecture.



by Rick Bosworth
Posted on Wed, 02/24/2010 - 02:14

Although it is much more complex than this simple answer . . .

Most (not all) of the IT Architect extensions are around the concept of managing the life cycle and standardization status of software and hardware.

In addition to the Business Architect functionality BPA also includes extensions to coordinate the sharing of process models (BPMN to BPEL to jDeveloper and back again) and the jDeveloper development platform. IT also includes the same Process Simulation  add-on that can be purchased to go with Business Architect.

If you have a strong life cycle management flavour to your EA practice you will find the IT Architect extensions very valuable. These include some special model types, objects, attributes, macros and reports.

If not, I would say it is likely possible to accomplish everything you want to do from an EA perspecitve with either one.

The best option might be to engage a configuration specialist to come in and assess your requirements and make a recommendation. You can get this from several of the consulting partners or from IDS Scheer/Software AG. 

by Sung Kuan Author
Posted on Wed, 02/24/2010 - 02:50

Thanks Uwe and Rick for your reply,

I have gotten the informaton that I am looking for. I foresee it will be good to use a hybrid model of BPA and IT Architect to tap on the strenght of both products.

Thanks once again for your time :)

by Sachin S
Posted on Thu, 04/29/2010 - 11:26

Hi Uwe & Rick,

I have been using SAP Solution Manager to import & export SAP process models 'FROM' and 'TO' ARIS. Now any non SAP process/function that we add in the model (in ARIS BA) imported from SOLMAN, gets updated in SOLMAN.

Here is my doubt.

I am wondering if the same capability exists in Oracle BPA? Are the features of ARIS + SOLMAN present in Oracle BPA? Also are SAP functions present in Oracle BPA?

I hope you understood my query.



by Uwe Roediger
Posted on Fri, 04/30/2010 - 08:00

Hello Sachin,

the SAP specific functionality of ARIS is not part of the Oracle BPA Suite. But it is possible to use ARIS Business Architect for SAP together with OBPA. That means you can have single ARIS client, single OBPA client or mixed mode client (containing the features of both products) working on the same server and databases.



by Horacio Gutierrez
Posted on Fri, 10/15/2010 - 02:29

Hello Uwe,

it seems to me that you know a lot from ARIS and Oracle BPA, I need to import some EPC diagrams created in Oracle BPA to ARIS 7.1, it is possible to do? How can I do it?

Thank you

by Uwe Roediger
Posted on Fri, 10/15/2010 - 08:00

Hello Horacio,

it is possible to run ARIS and OBPA client on the same database. This can be reached by the so called enrichment. If you have ARIS already you can enrich it wich an additional OBPA installation and vice versa.

Another way would be to export the EPC from OBPA and import it into ARIS.



by Horacio Gutierrez
Posted on Thu, 12/23/2010 - 21:42

Hi Uwe, hope you can help me again. I tried to import a very large data base into ARIS 7.1, around 128 MB and after 5 hours of process the system stopped with an error message: "[POL-2000] Es kann zusätzlicher Speicher zugewiesen werden." 

Do you know the meaning of this error and how to handle it ? 

by Uwe Roediger
Posted on Mon, 12/27/2010 - 11:16

Hi Horacio,

sorry, but with this problem I cannot help you. But the Global ARIS support should be able to help you very quick. I think it is a configuration problem, 128 MB is not too big, normally works fine.



by Marlon Peña
Posted on Fri, 02/15/2013 - 00:58

Hi Everyone, as in the first case my company has bought Oracle BPA just to be used by the Process Team to design BPMN Models, I'm from the IT Arquitechture Team and want to use it as an Enterprise Arquitecture Tool. So Please I need to know if I'm in the right path or if it's neccesary to adquire another tool (as Aris IT Arquitect). Every time I mention that Oracle BPA is a tool that can help with the EA activities everyone see me as an insane person.

Please give me any guidance to know if my approach is correct or if Im crazy indeed.

Thank you in advance.


by Horacio Gutierrez
Posted on Fri, 02/15/2013 - 02:02

Dear Marlo, it is possible to work with the BPA and ARIS for EA modeling. We can discuss this topic if you sent me a mail to

by Uwe Roediger
Posted on Mon, 02/18/2013 - 08:11

Hello Marlon,

with the currently available versions of ARIS and OBPA (based on ARIS 7.2) you should combine both products. Use OBPA for Oracle specific implementation of processes and ARIS IT Architect for EA part. Based on the Enrichment scenario both products can work integrated on the same databases.

But I have to mention that this is not a future-proof scenario. As far as I know Oracle will not continue with OBPA based on ARIS technology. There will be no further versions of OBPA based on ARIS 9. Only maintenance of the current OBPA version will be given over the next years.

Best regards



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