Hi Everyone,

We are using ARIS Designer in our Business Process Management class. Traditionally students are using the installed version in our PC labs, but now, with COVID we are teaching online and therefore they are using the Java version that they download from the Cloud server of ours. This Java version works on Windows only - as students report it. But nearly half of them own a MAC.

is there any MAC-based ARIS Architect/Designer edition?



by Stephanie Karner
Posted on Thu, 09/17/2020 - 11:21

Dear  Krisztian Varga,

Please take a look into our FAQs. Your question is answered in the section "Which operating system does ARIS support?".

Kind regards, 

Stephanie Karner

by André Vitor Oliveira
Posted on Thu, 09/17/2020 - 17:09


Yes is possible to run on the MAC OS 10.x, please check if they have this version of MAC OS.
In case, they will do open via ARIS Download Client.


by Osama Hudhud
Posted on Sun, 06/18/2023 - 14:22


I installed ARIS Architect/Designer today on my MacBook running MacOS Ventura 13.4. I had to install Java first to launch it, then it seemed to launch properly in the beginning & it allows me to sign in but then it doesn't load properly (screenshot below).

Please advise what I can do to fix it. I tried deleting the first & second try files from my Downloads file and downloading again but I keep getting the same result. It's not appearing in the Launchpad or Applications in Finder.




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