We're not crazy about the colors and sizes of the symbols in ARIS Express. Is it possible to create new symbols or to modify the existing symbols?
2 Replies
In our professional products you can adapt the symbols to your needs, but not in ARIS Express. One possible way around is that you place a symbol in ARIS Express, format it as you it want it to look like and safe the symbol as a fragment. Next time, you can use the fragment and don't need to format the symbol again.
I have Aris Express and need a professional version. where in South Africa can I purchase?
Or can I purchase and upgrade over the net?
Also I am busy with flowcharts. I have built it as a business process and a BPMN diagram..
The problem is: I build the desired blocks and links (i did exactly the same to change my symbols and colours) 1st issue: It still shows the original symbol colours on the list it forms.
and Second issue: I build my model, but when saving it to pdf, it scrambles my output (list in words) so nothing is in order from A-Z...it skips 4 or 5 processes, but adds them in randomly somewhere else?
Can I mail someone a pdf copy to have a look and suggest. I am building flowcharts for quite a big orginisation in S.A. and need assistance urgently as my deadlines are approaching fast.