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I am trying to import objects using the out of the box report and create connections. Objects are imported as expected with all the attributes. Included the connection information  for the existing objects. But the connections are not getting created. Getting error as 'Target object doesn't exists'. Also the source object symbol is not created correctly. I used a customized symbol. But it shows as 'group' image.

Any help appreciated.




by M. Zschuckelt
Posted on Tue, 09/07/2021 - 22:08

Hello Latha,

you can only create connections between objects you are creating with the report. You cannot create connections to pre-existing objects, because there is no way to identify them.

For custom symbols you need to specify the GUID in the mapping of your symbol alias instead of the type number. AFAIK the report will not set the default symbol for the objects you create. But if you specify the symbol on the model creation page (and map that alias on the symbol mapping tab), it should create the occurrence with the custom symbol alright.

by Latha Palaniappan Author
Posted on Wed, 09/08/2021 - 17:36

In reply to by M. Zschuckelt

Thank you so much! That worked for symbols. 

How can I create the relationships with an existing objects. I know one way is matrix model, that will be manual effort. Is there any other option to establish the relationships?

by M. Zschuckelt
Posted on Wed, 09/08/2021 - 21:08

There are 2 ways to create connections.

  1. in the connections tab you list all connections. Identify the objects you want to connect by their name. You can add columns for connection attributes you want to import. This will only create connection definitions, but no occurrences in any model. If you want to make them visible, a matrix model may be a good idea, because it shows all connection definitions of the types you choose for the matrix model.
  2. With the first tab you can create hierarchically structured models. The first columns define, what model type, symbols and connection type you want to create with that row. In the object columns you put the names of the objects you want to create. Every row will create an object of the symbol type you specified upfront. Where you place a name in the first object column the report will start a new model (of the specified type with the name of the object) and create an object occurrence of the same name in it. Use the subsequent rows to describe the hierarchy in that model by specifying object names in the second and following object columns - one object in each row. In that row you also specify which connection type the object in that row has to its superior object. If you want to add attributes to the objects and connections you create you need to specify those in the objects and connections tabs as described above. The names of the objects must match exactly the names you used on the first tab. The models you generate this way are strictly hierarchical. You cannot create further occurrences of connections.
by Latha Palaniappan Author
Posted on Fri, 09/10/2021 - 16:44

Thank you for your input! We have decided to go with the matrxi model. Appreciate your help!


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