

I tried to install ARIS on my computer. After installation, I received the message "Error during installation. Unable to perform correct installation. For further information please refer to the file '% temp% ARIS_Install.log'.

Imagem inline 1

Then, when I try to start ARIS Architect & Designer 9.8, the message "Unable to start the local server" appears

Imagem inline 5


Could you please help me?

Professor Leonardo Navarro

Universidade Federal Fluminense

by Felix Winzig
Posted on Tue, 10/04/2016 - 11:34

Hi Leonardo,

the file upload didn't seem to work. I cannot see the log-file or the screenshot. Do you mind trying to upload both files again?

Best regards,


by André Vitor Oliveira
Posted on Wed, 10/05/2016 - 23:13

Olá Leonardo,

Estas mensagens pode ser vários motivos, faça o seguinte, abra os logs do client que está na pasta c:\users\ARIS90\log e terá uma ideia do problema.

Veja se tem este log: Logs\logfiles\LOCALSERVER\logs\ARISCloudAgent.log

Normalmente este log explica com mais detalhes, um motivo comum é falta de memória e o indicado é que a máquina tenha pelo menos 12Gb de ram.



Posted on Thu, 10/18/2018 - 17:35

Dear Andre,

How can I solve this? Can you explain me in detail please?


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