Thanks for participating in the ARIS ProcessDay 2010. Below, you will find all presentations we are allowed to share. Click on an entry to download the presentation as PDF. Please note, you can only download the presentations if you are a member of the "United Kingdom & Ireland Community" group.
- Peter McClean, Tesco Bank "Why embark upon a BPM journey? And making it sustainable"
- Paul Baines, CSC "SAP NetWeaver - delivering benefits through partnership"
- Karl-Heinz Streibich, Software AG "The Digital Enterprise - The future of BPM starts now"
- Helge Hess, IDS Scheer "Successful BPM with groundbreaking ARIS innovations"
- Steve Edney, Diageo "Delivering value from global process standardisation"
- Frits Wiegel, Vodafone "Taking ARIS to the masses"
- Rob Davis, IDS Scheer "Ensuring BPM Sustainability"
- David Cull, IDS Scheer "Process Driven SAP"
- Experior & IDS Scheer "Risk Based Process Testing"
- Steve Edney, Diageo "Enabling Value from Global Process Standardisation"