Hello everybody,

I just installed the new version of the Business Architect. I wanted to migrate my old local database to the new version and tried to follow the guide. It says I have to go into my old 7.2 version and save the backup as administrator...

here is the problem: I can't go into my 7.2 version because my license expired. Any other way to get this backaup?

Thanks in advance.


by Kai-Hendrik Pots
Posted on Tue, 12/02/2014 - 14:59


did you see the migration information in the FAQ ?

You can find it HERE



by Krisztian Kesztyues Author
Posted on Tue, 12/02/2014 - 15:22


thanks for your comment. Yes, I did. And that's the guide I was talking about.

I can't do it like that because I can't start ARIS 7.2 -> License expired!!!

Is there any other way?


by Jiri Mares
Posted on Sun, 12/07/2014 - 14:31

Hi Krisztian,

drop me an email (see user details), I can imagine  a simple solution for you, but it would be better to keep it in private.






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