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Hi folks, 

we just recently began to use ARIS Business Designer 7.2 in our organization and we are currently struggling to create "copies" of classes or other objects. The functionality of "Edit" > "Paste As/ Insert As" to create a copy (instead of a reference) is blanked out. 

Any ideas how to do that? Is it a problem of permissions?

Thanks in advance, 


by Mr Charybdis
Posted on Thu, 08/15/2013 - 09:02

I was wondering about the same question. Can anybody help?

by Rick Bosworth
Posted on Wed, 08/28/2013 - 22:26

My guess would be that you are trying to paste the object into a model that does not allow that object type based on your current filter. If you look at the object palette when the model type in question is open do you see the symbol of the object you are trying to paste? If not, then the filter you are using does not allow that type of object in the model. You can either change to another filter (at log on) or you may need to have the object type added to you filter.


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