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Could you please provide the WYSIWIG version of the ARIS report named:

"output organizational elements data elements and application systems via functions"

I would like to then edit the report 

1) to sort in sequence (ID or processing code) rather than alphabetically and

2) to add Description attribute of Function

3) delete columns labelled "Relationship type". 

The ARIS reports are only available in JavaScript and not WYSIWYG

Can you please advise on all of the above.


by AlpenBank AlpenBank
Posted on Thu, 10/20/2011 - 11:52

Hi Louise.

I don't know JavaScript so maybe the solution I found is not the best, to those who are able to programm, but it works.

1) to sort in sequence (ID or processing code) rather than alphabetically ---> New/Report then as contest "Selected models (filterable)" with type of object "function". Then in layouting the WYSIWYG fix a query with this parameters: "object occurrences (filterable by type)"/Object "function" and.... very important because this allow to sort as you (like me) need SORT BY "coordinate Y" and then "coordinate X". This means that the report read "as a scanner" from the top downward

2) to add Description attribute of Function ---> you only have to insert a data table within the query above with 2 columns: column 1 "Name" and column 2 "Description" on the first row. Then in the second row insert data field with the attributes "name" and "description".

Eva, the master of all this, has written documents on this topics. In particular, I suggest this ---->

Hope this will help..


by Louise Curran Author
Posted on Thu, 10/20/2011 - 12:37

many thanks for your response.  i am happy with the your suggestions but it is adding the "is carried out by" and "has output of" as 2 additional columns in the report that is my problem. 

The ARIS report labelled "output organizational elements data elements and application systems via functions" gives this exact output.  I want to add "description" as a column to this report, but because it is in JavaScript and not WYSIWYG, I am not able to edit it to my requirements. 


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