I powered up Aris Express this morning and went into an existing Data Model. The symbols for the attributes had all changed to white lozenges and there was no way to put any more symbols on the diagram. The problem is the same for all the Data Models, but the other diagram types seem to be OK.
I have noticed the last couple of times I have gone into Aris Express, it has asked me if it can access the internet - it doesn't usually do this.
Have there been some changes to ARIS Express that may have done this? I have attached a screenprint.
Thank you
as you can see on the main page of the ariscommunity.com ;-) if you scroll down to the featured posts: yes, there has been an update.
If you use the webstart solution: if it asks you to connect, it will do the update.
If you use windows installable, it just informs you about the new version, whereas you can switch the notification of for this version.
To fix your problem: stop Express, go to folder "%userprofile%\ARISExpress\server" and delete its content. Restart Express and open a data model. Are the symbols correct again?
Thank you. I had a look for this folder but don't have one on my PC. However, I stopped and restarted Aris Express and the problem corrected itself automatically. It asked again if it could access the internet. Hopefully it's all straight now.
Many Thanks.