I have a number of EPCs I need to link together.  I have tried using the assignment function, but only see the options to create a new assignment or delete an existing one.  How do I assign an existing model or diagram to a selected diagram object?  I also noticed that when a new assignment was created, the resulting diagram was not stored in the same database - where are newly created models stored when generated using the assignment function?


Thank you



by Christoph Lorenz
Posted on Wed, 02/14/2018 - 13:41

Hi Louise

Via the "create assignment" button, a dialogue appears, there you have to select the diagram type you want to assign, e.g. epc.

Then you enter either the name of the diagram or an asterix. With the * the existing diagrams wil be displayed.

See attached screenshot



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by Louise McDonagh Author
Posted on Thu, 03/29/2018 - 13:07

Thank you.  Just to clarify, the asterisk needs to be followed with a space character otherwise a new diagram called '*' will be created automatically, so '* ' is required, not '*'.



by Michael Hubbard
Posted on Wed, 02/02/2022 - 18:31

I would have to say that this is NOT a very intuitive way to make use of Existing Models via Assignments. It works, but again not very intuitive. Just sayin'.

by Runé Becker
Badge for 'Mastermind' achievement
Posted on Wed, 02/02/2022 - 21:35

In reply to by mikhubb

Dear Michael,

Are you often creating assignments? If so, do you mainly create a process hierachy, e.g. linking a process landscape with a BPMN process?

Or are you rather adding more details to objects of your model by assigning function allocation diagrams to tasks/process steps?

If you are interested in satellite modeling as an alternative to assigning functiona allocation diagrams, please watch our tutorial:
How to use Satellite Modeling to describe your processes from different angles | ARIS BPM Community (ariscommunity.com)


by Michael Hubbard
Posted on Tue, 03/01/2022 - 17:52

In reply to by rbe

Thanks Rune. I will have a look at the video. Always good to see how to do different "things" in Aris. I am actually mainly focused on the Application Architecture area and we are mainly using Assignments on Connections/Relationships to delve deeper into details of Integration Points between SBBs/Components. In the Business Architecture area we are using Assignments again mainly between higher level/rolled up EPCs and the lower level/more detailed corresponding End to End EPCs.

Again, thanks for the insight.


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