Having three models:
- VACD model
- EPC model (As-Is)
- EPC model (To-Be)
The VACD has two assignments on the same object; one for each of the EPC models.
Publishing all three models, it only navigates to the To-Be model (which was first assigned.) The desired behavior is a pop-up that lets the user choose which model to see.
What is needed to ensure that the publication navigation works as desired?
Dear Lars,
I created the three models as you described with the same assignments and order in ARIS Basic and it works as expected. Are you sure that all diagrams are published and assigned?
Have you activated "Auto-publication on" in the Publication settings? Could you please save your changes manually and test if the pop up appears? Which browser do you use?
Kind regards,
Thank you for your response Eva, (Your name have been popping up in the community for years... :)
I haven't activated "Auto publication On".½
I think the problem actually lies in your answer.
Let me explain:
If the only thing you do in a model is to add the assignment, you are not allowed to save the model. (Technically speaking the model it self doesn't contain the assignment, but rather it is a DB object that is linked to the VACD process object and the model it points to.)
I get the impression that you have to save the ARIS model (you are assigning from) in order to invoke saving the assignment.
If I nudge an object and save the ARIS model (you are assigning from), then I can save it and that also persist the Assigment created.
I consider this a work around that you have to do articifial changes to trigger enable the save function.
I can definitively live with it, but it would be nice (and intuitive) if changing assignments allows for saving
I consider the issue solved, but would like to hear your feedback on my thoughts Eva.
I'm not 100% sure if I understand you correctly, sorry.
In your initial post you're saying that you're assigments are not displayed as expected in the Published Content area. In your second post it sounds like you have trouble saving your assignments in your model. Did you get any error message when you try to save your model with the new assigments via the Save icon as you have described above.
When I open a new model, add an object and create two assigments for this object I can save the changes without any problems. To see both of the assigments in the Pubslihed Content area, you have to publish them manually if you have disabled Auto-publication on. Otherwise you will not see any of them. From my point of view it behaves as I would expected it or did I misunderstand the problem?