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In a MashApp I have a date field, e.g. the current date. I convert the date into a text field using the format


as expected by the MashZone - Optimize Interface for the startDate or endDate, rsp.

The result looks like


For my time zone MEZ, I would expect +0100. Am I wrong, or is this a bug in MashZone?


by Thomas Staub
Posted on Wed, 03/28/2012 - 09:05

Hello Lukas

What you describe is the intended behavior of mashzone.

Mashzone handles dates only in GMT Timezone. So if you create a output with timezone, you get GMT.



by Lukas Hundemer Author
Posted on Wed, 03/28/2012 - 11:46

Sorry but that does not fit together. The time MashZone returns is my local time. Only the time zone value is +0000 ("GMT"). It should either return the GMT time with the +0000 or the local time with the local time zone. Which sense does it makes to add a +0000 behind a local time?


Current time (now MESZ) : 2012-03-28 10:49:00

MashZone value: 2012-03-28 10:49:00+0000

GMT would be: 2012-03-28 08:49:00+0000

Local would be: 2012-03-28 10:49:00+0200

And if I forward the time which I receive from MashZone, to Optimize, it does not give me the expected time range.

by Thomas Staub
Posted on Wed, 03/28/2012 - 13:33

Hi Lukas

The dateParser and the dateFormatter in Mashzone works in GMT-Time.

So if you have a Date as Text mashzone interprets this date as GMT-Date.

And if you format the date mashzone formats the date as GMT-Date.

The only exception is the InfoOperator. Here we use the local Timezone to create the current Date. And after that we handle this Date as GMT Date.

For example: You have this string "2012-03-28 10:49:00+0200" and you parse the string with the pattern "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ssZ" you will get "2012-03-28T08:49:00" (+0200)

All this things happens on the Mashzone-Server. There is no functionality to transfer the Timezone from client.

Best Regards




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