
a colleague pointed out to me that apparently SR24 has updated its Javascript engine. When you are coding reports you can now use more of the cool syntactic sugar modern Javascript has to offer.

For those who don't know it, ARIS is using the Rhino Javascript engine of Mozilla and this was updated now to the latest release 1.7.14. So whoever googled things on the web on "how do I this or that in Javascript" and was eventually disappointed that it did not work in ARIS scripting, you may now find some enhanced language support. Please note, that even the latest release of Rhino is far from full support of even ECMAscript 2015. That is Mozilla's decision, what they can and want to support.

Maybe you take this thread as a teaser to share some of the coding ideas that work now but did not before.

Regards, M. Zschuckelt

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