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Hello guys,

In archimate there is a viewpoint called "layered viewpoint" where you can combine all the elements of the archimate language and all relationships between elements (see image below, from the Archimate 2 specs)

So, basically you can build a model with "business" elements (actor, role, process, ...) , application elements (application, application  interface, ...) , technology elements (software, servers, ...) etc. On the very same diagram you can mix "structural" relationships ( depencies, composition, ...) and "dynamic" ones (flows, ...)

The question is : how would you do this with "native" Aris diagrams ?   Is there a single Aris diagram equivalent to the archimate layered viewpoint ? 


Thanks !





by M. Zschuckelt
Posted on Thu, 03/28/2019 - 16:33

Yes, there is. It's called "ArchiMate model (3.0)". You have to import the "ArchiMate 3.0.filter" from the installation media at \Content\ArchiMate v3.0

If you prefer the "official" ArchiMate notation symbols, use "ArchiMate 3.0 symbols - official style.filter" instead, which you find in \Content\ArchiMate v3.0\Symbols

If you want, there are also the old ArchiMate 2.1 filters available.

EDIT: If I am not mistaken you don't even have to import the filter to get that model type available. With the filter you get a lot of pre-fabricated view-points as model types, as described in the ArchiMate specification.

by Michel Bénard Author
Posted on Thu, 03/28/2019 - 18:58

Thanks ! And if we don't want to use Archimate at all ? We are trying to minimize the number of modelisation languages in our Aris implementation (we already must use uml, bpmn and some Aris models). Any ideas ?

by M. Zschuckelt
Posted on Thu, 03/28/2019 - 21:49

Hi Michel,

I understood your question in the direction if ARIS supports Archimate. In principle you can make up your own model type from scratch with any object types and connection types ARIS has to offer and any number of symbols you care to invent. The question is, if you should. My experience: If you put too much stuff on a wallpaper, nobody will ever

  • look at it
  • read it
  • believe it
  • take responsibility for it
  • maintain it

Particularly the responsibility bit is the killer for complex models. Rather use more diagram types showing one or few objects with their context seen from the particular perspective of a stakeholder who can take responsibility for what is depicted. Since you have possibilities to evaluate the complete model behind the diagrams it does not matter that the information is distributed across stakeholder views.

I also created such an ArchiMate wallpaper in my first attempt, but then segmented it again, because no single reader wants to digest all that information at once.

by Michel Bénard Author
Posted on Fri, 03/29/2019 - 07:09

In reply to by M. Zschuckelt

Thank you M. Zschuckelt for your quick answer and personal feedback: much appreciated!


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