Hi all,
We are currently generating a filter from a versioned database. We'd like to be able to use the existing versions of the database to manage the filter versions.
The user story would be : as an administrator I'd like to generate a filter from a version of the database of my choosing so that I may rollback any changes made to a filter.
Could you think of any way to do it ?
For the tiime being we keep copies of all versions of generated filters in Aris database , which tend to accumulate.
Hello Michel,
try this: before generating your filter from the database login to the database with the desired change list number and Entire Method Filter. Test this with a new filter first, because I have not tried this idea myself. I know that when you do this on a database where you are currently logged in with a filter it will only generate the content currently visible to you. I would guess this also works while you are logged in with a change list.
EDIT: Use Entire Method filter and the Change list to login to the database.
It seems to be working : I logged into the filter database with the option of choosing an older version of the database, then opted to create a filter from the database and compared the generated filter with the current filter version : the differences between the two filters seeemed to match the differences between the two versions of the database