Hi Everyone,


Im new to business process management and am having trouble understanding a few things and was hoping you could point me in the direction of some articles that might help. Sorry if these questions seem silly but I am new to this.


1 - Am I correct in understanding that when you begin business process management you should select a framework to follow and then a modelling technique that fits in with that framework?

2 - What are the types of frameworks (other than aris) and the modelling techniques

3 - From what I have read it is my understanding that ARIS is a framework and that it uses EPC as the modelling notation? is that because EPC is part of ARIS or is it just that in the case of the book I was reading was the chosen notation?



Any information you could provide to me as a newbie to understand the over all process and how aris and other frameworks and modelling techniques would be greatly appreciated.





by Sujith Maram
Posted on Mon, 06/13/2011 - 18:30

Hi Kelly,

I can put my understanding,

Q1. It is always a best practice to go with Frameworks / Models as they are proven, you got lot of frameworks to chose from like ARIS House, ToGAF, DoDAF, ITIL, SLOR.

IndustryPrint is a Custom Framework of Delliote, based on an organizational BusinessProcess Maturity level and amount of effort that is already put into BPM ,  will always help in  bringout a Custom framework that fits to its need.

Q2 & Q3 . I can put it like,   ARIS is a concept and ARIS House is a  framework. And EPC is the modelling Language used to defines Processes, EPC is Business Driven.Orginally EPC is used  by ARIS in conjunction with SAP R/3 for modelling BusinessProcesses, and moving forward ARIS made it as base for Modelling in its tools.

Hope this helps you.

PS:  ARIS Gurus, correct me if any.


by Kelly F Author
Posted on Tue, 06/14/2011 - 02:28

Hi Sujith,


Thankyou so much for taking the time to respond to my post, I now have a lot clearer understanding and can do some more reading in the areas you have mentioned.



Thanks heaps!


by Sebastian Stein
Posted on Thu, 06/16/2011 - 08:45

About question 3: In ARIS framework, you need to select a notation to model your processes. However, you can at least choose from using EPC, BPMN 2, UML activity diagrams or even simple flow charts. It's up to you to decide which notation best fulfills your needs. For example, if people in your organisation are already familiar with BPMN, there is probably no point in introducing another notation.


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