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We are currently trying to install a ARIS Design server 9 on a Windows Server 2008 R2 64 bit. Installation of the Design server setup was finished without any errors, but when we tried to start the design server using [Start menu - ARIS - Administration - Start ARIS Design Server] the issues started.

First, a folder "work_zoo_m" was missing. -> We created it manually.

Second, was missing in agentLocalRepo\.unpacked. -> extracted manually from installation medium and copied to the folder

Third, a folder "work_couchdb_m" was missing. -> We created it manually.

Fourth, was missing in agentLocalRepo\.unpacked. -> extracted manually from installation medium and copied to the folder.

But now there is an error we couldn't fix so far: "Could not start all runnable on node localhost: Ant start exited with 1".

Several restarts and re-installing the design server didn't change the situation. Does anyone have a clue how to solve this issue?

Thanks in advance,


by Runé Becker
Badge for 'Mastermind' achievement
Posted on Mon, 07/22/2013 - 18:24

Dear Klaus,

Despite there were no errors reported by the setup, did you check whether there was an error log file written by the ARIS setup in TEMP folder?

And did you check whether port 80 wasn't blocked by another app running during ARIS setup?



by Klaus Maier Author
Posted on Tue, 07/23/2013 - 08:37

Dear Rune,

I've checked for installation logfiles, but I couldn't find any. But when retrying the installation of design server once again I found out that during the end of the installation there is a cmd box that has similar errors as the start script in it.

Therefore we set the server back to the initial installation image. And, reinstalled in the order (1) Agend, (2) Design Server, and (3) Client. All with restarts in between. Now everything is working fine.

Most likely we had the problem due to a not properly finished first installation of the software.

Best regards,


by Gediminas Zitlinskas
Posted on Wed, 08/21/2013 - 09:21


we have the same problem with installing Connect Server, similar errors occur. With missing "work_zoo_m" and other files. We have tried installing on a laptop, and everything went well, all files are installed, no errors, all processes starts(Cloud Controller > typing "list" > Enter > Every process "Started"). But when trying to install it on stationary computer (with Windows Vista), setup goes well as usual, but when trying to start Connect server, error occurs. Via Cloud Controller it shows all processes as Failed, because files (like "work_zoo_m") are missing. They are not installed.

Tried to delete all logs, restart after every setup (agent, server, client).But it doesn't help.

Needed ports are not used by any other program.

Any suggestions?

Best regards,


by Runé Becker
Badge for 'Mastermind' achievement
Posted on Thu, 09/05/2013 - 22:31

Dear Gediminas,

have you checked ARIS_Install_Error.log in your %TEMP% folder?

Even ARIS Design/Connect Server setup reports no errors to the user, maybe things went wrong and are logged only there.




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