Hi ARIS Community,
What is the method to search or find objects that do not have a connection?
We can use a query or ad hoc analysis to find objects 'with' a connection of any specific type, but cannot seem to serch for 'without' a connection.
The situation is, have a matrix model (for example) with many objects and some do not have a connection. We want to filter for the objects that do not have a connection to be able to focus on them. We don't mind performing a search and creating a new model, but we cannot work out how to filter, find or search for objects without connections.
Is there a way to search or filter based on connection?
Hi Malcom,
By default there is the report "Output object information" where you can start from a folder and will bring all information from objects and you also bring object without connections. You could try to use this report and see the results, to start this report can use the main folder and will across the database to bring the objects information.