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 Interested in more facts and figures about Customer Experience Management? Then you should read Thomas Zimmermann's blog post:The case for customer experience management using ARIS

Customer experience management (CXM) is a big topic of 2017 but what is CXM at all? Gartner sums it up pretty well in its definition: “The practice of designing and reacting to customer interactions to meet or exceed customer expectations and, thus, increase customer satisfaction, loyalty and advocacy.” CXM is more than knowing your customer; it is the ability to know your customer so completely well that you can deliver his expectations in a way that let him not only remain loyal to you, but also to evangelize to others about you.

To get more information about “What CXM is” check out the MWD Advisors` white paper Nicolas is talking about in his Post: "Improving customer experience with ARIS"


As you can see in all these articles customer experience management has been becoming more and more a key differentiator for business. That’s why it is important for you to start reflecting your business from the other side of the counter in order to ensure a smooth journey from end-to-end. But how can you do this?

But do you already know how to match the inside-out and the outside-in view of your business with well-defined end-to-end customer journeys? Or how to work with customer touch points to support effective customer centricity as a key driver of your digital business?

With ARIS Software AG offers a product that enables you to improve your customer experience by designing customer journeys. You can design them with different model types and use several reports and queries to analyze the relation between your customer journeys and your internal business processes.

To start with customer experience management you can follow two approaches: Bottom-up or Top-down.

In my next post I explain the top-down approach in ARIS.



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