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Today, I would like to show you a new logistics dashboard available on

First, let me tell you more about the current situation and why we decided to create this new dashboard. The requirements of logistics companies are a big challenge - globalization, rising gas prices, continuing climate change, or improved services for customers are only a few important factors increasing the pressure on logistics companies. To keep up with competitors, transportation service providers need to create competitive edge. However, only companies covering the entire logistics value chain and being able to respond quickly to changing situations can benefit from competitive advantages.

With Software AG's Process Intelligence solution, you can obtain an integrated, cross-system view of your supply chain in real-time, from order entry to goods movement to invoicing. This allows you to make the best decision anytime by means of historical analyses based on processes and data from the past and real-time analyses based on current events. You can then take a step forward and combine the two kinds of analysis to establish future trends.

What you see here is the visualization of all measured results within a continuously updated dashboard:

(To open the mashup in your own browser click here).

This way, you can keep an eye on all key data of your operational business in real-time. Using this data, you can immediately respond to unanticipated opportunities and threats. You can identify shortfalls, potential, and profits at a glance.

In addition, you can improve the service and quality for your customers through frequent reports on duration, number of goods and orders, as well as the compliance of service level agreements (SLAs). All this enables transparent process management and proactive reporting. 

Sounds interesting to you? Then find more information about the mashup on and more about the specific use case on Software AG's Process Intelligence Solution page.

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