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Profile picture for user Martha Castellanos

We have been successfully synchronizing our ARIS Db with SolMan for some time.  However, we have created a new instance of SolMan and transported the existing Project Template into the new SolMan client.

I've registered the new SolMan client in ARIS and redirected the synch to it. I know that it works because we created a Test Template in new client and I have been able to transfer the project and synchcronize.

My problem is that I have not been able to synch the existing database (the one with all the content) to it's corresponding template project. I get the following error:

                                               "ERROR Unable to transfer log file."

I've also confirmed that SAP IDs of the elements in the ARIS Db correspond with those of the structure in the new template.

Does anyone have any advise on how to get the existing database to synch with the transported template in the new client?

by Sebastian Simon
Posted on Wed, 07/20/2011 - 08:52

Hello Mrs. Castellanos,

I have nearly the same Problem. I have copied my ARIS db and want to synchronize it to an new SolMan project (not a whole new Solman instance like yours, only another project).

I heard one of the problems is the SAP-ID. Someone told me to delete the SAP-IDs, but this wasn't a helpful advice. You write that you confirmed that SAP IDs corredspond with the SolMan project? How did you do this?

My main problem is that the name of the old SolMan project is written in every object of the SolMan folder as attribute "synch project" (I'm unsing the german version, so i don't know the exact name of the attribute). And I can't change this attribute. How is it possible to sync my ARIS with an other SolMan project which wasn't the initial one. How can i do this?

Best regards


by ravi kiran
Posted on Wed, 07/20/2011 - 13:03


i am new of aris tool


how to apply  same text to all  object models

i want code


by Sebastian Simon
Posted on Wed, 07/20/2011 - 13:43

Hello Mr. Kiran,


what  do you mean with "apply same text to all object models"? I can't understand what you want to do?

by ravi kiran
Posted on Wed, 07/27/2011 - 05:54

In reply to by thaase

hi simon

Here are the requirements for the new report I need for 1FC.


Name:  Add Under Review attribute


  • Start on group level.

Go through all models and write the text “Under review – not yet approved” in the attribute called “Definition/Description” (API name: AT_DESC, Type number: 9) 

could  u tell me how to start coding give me some suggessions.Then i will get good idea simon

thnks simon 


by Martha Castellanos Author
Posted on Wed, 07/20/2011 - 17:57

Mr. Kiran,

If you mean the same font, you can establish a template with formatting for all your objects.  Is that what u mean?

by Martha Castellanos Author
Posted on Wed, 07/20/2011 - 18:07

Mr. Simon,

"You write that you confirmed that SAP IDs corredspond with the SolMan project? How did you do this?"

You can check the SAP ID in the ARIS database by looking at the SAP ID attribute.  You can check it in SolMan by selecting the node and running "node_info".

"How is it possible to sync my ARIS with an other SolMan project which wasn't the initial one."

You'd have to remove all the SAP IDs in the database and transfer the new project. 

by Martha Castellanos Author
Posted on Thu, 07/28/2011 - 05:43

We found the answer to the synch problem.  There was a mismatch of the logical component between ARIS and SolMan. Once the logical component was the same in both systems we were able to synch.

by ravi kiran
Posted on Wed, 08/03/2011 - 11:28

In reply to by HEBA

hi martha this is my requirement.I tried to exicute to exicute under grouplevel

it shows empty page

could you give me some suggessions




  • start on group level.

Go through all models and write the text “Under review – not yet approved” in the attribute called “Definition/Description” (API name: AT_DESC, Type number: 9)  

by Dharmesh Mahnot
Posted on Tue, 02/21/2012 - 00:54

Hi Martha,

Do you still need help on your query as mentioned below or its resolved

My problem is that I have not been able to synch the existing database (the one with all the content) to it's corresponding template project. I get the following error

 "ERROR Unable to transfer log file

My Response to your query 

Delete alL SAP ID using Attribute Wizard from all objects.

Now maintain all attributes, add logical component etc 

now try to Sync..should work..


Kind Regards

Dharmesh Mahnot


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