We have been successfully synchronizing our ARIS Db with SolMan for some time.  However, we have created a new instance of SolMan and transported the existing Project Template into the new SolMan client.

I've registered the new SolMan client in ARIS and redirected the synch to it. I know that it works because we created a Test Template in new client and I have been able to transfer the project and synchcronize.

My problem is that I have not been able to synch the existing database (the one with all the content) to it's corresponding template project. I get the following error:

                                               "ERROR Unable to transfer log file."

I've also confirmed that SAP IDs of the elements in the ARIS Db correspond with those of the structure in the new template.

Does anyone have any advise on how to get the existing database to synch with the transported template in the new client?

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