Dear Community,

I'm working on a complex BPMN model. Because i want to increase the acceptance of this model, i try to hide some content in a collapsed subprocess.

While it was possible to collapse the subprocess and hiding the containing content (start- and end-events, activities (busines rule) and conditional sequence flows), expanding doesn't work as expected. An error occured: "Objekt platzieren: Es ist nicht erlaubt, ein Objekt an dieser Stelle anzulegen oder zu platzieren" (my translation: Place a object: it is not allowed to create or place an object at this position). The subprocess expanded, but all content (and all of my work) was lost.

Whats going wrong?

by Sascha Schneider
Posted on Thu, 01/16/2014 - 14:22


that seems to be an error. I guess you are working with BPMN 1 or with ARIS Express?! So it would be interesting, what kind of objects did you have inside the subprocess. Maybe as screenshot or something would also be great.

In general: Our BPMN designer has some checks for the semantic of the BPMN spec. So it prevents for example placing an cancel event into a normal subprocess. In general that should not happen, on expanding a subprocess.

by Bram Ariaans
Posted on Thu, 04/24/2014 - 15:14

Hi there,

I have exactly the same problem. I work with Aris express. When I created a sub-process and I copy past my elements in there.  When I click ok and collapse the sub-process and reopen it I receive the error message: "you are not allowed to create or place  the object at this position".

Looking on the internet I found this post, so I tried the make screenshots. Although I have received this error message several times, I was not able to reproduce it. Now, when I copy paste the elements in the sub-process, I receive the following message regarding the connections (see screen shot). When I collapse and expend again, some elements are 'thrown out of the sub-process'. Re sizing the sub-process and replacing the elements in the sub-process and again collapse and expand results in more elements that are outside the sub-process after expending again.


Do you have nay idea why this is happening? Did I model something incorrect (i.e. against syntax?).



by Thierry Caro
Posted on Thu, 04/30/2015 - 12:08

We can reproduce this behavior easily in ARIS  Express, and that is fairly irritating because we LOOSE ALL THE SUBPROCESS CONTENTS when we do Expand.

It has something to do with the attributes placement, when an object's attribute overlaps another object, so that ARIS believes  we want to establish a connection between the two objects.  Generally, this un-wanted connection is not allowed, and we get an error message.  When a subprocess expands, it tries optimizing the size of its expanded form, and gets by itself into this overlapping scenario, deadly for the subprocess.

I consider this as a very annoying bug, very dissuasive for new AE users.  Fortunately this does not occur with the ARIS professional version.

To reproduce, create a subprocess like in attachment (nothing fancy), Collapse it, Expand it:  boom !.

A (silly) bypass is to insert a freeform text, even just a dot is enough, at the edge of the subprocess to protect the Expand.



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