Hi All,
Issue: Data Feed not pulling entire query spreadsheet report value
Troubleshooting Steps: Converted initial Dashboard Link load in Data Feed>Column Configuration for this column value to Text and Number data type (Same Issue). It only captures the query value of the number but not the unit.
Appreciate any workaround. The goal is to capture both value and unit of time in Data Feed for process analysis. Thanks in advance!
ARIS Architect Query>Spreadsheet:
ARIS Repository Query>Data Feed:
ARIS Attribute inside process model:
Workaround: In your ARIS Architect Query -> Spreadsheet create a new column with the formula "=TO_STRING(X2)" (potentially adjust the cell reference, it should point to the cell where you use the "=QUERY_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE(...)" function for the Man hours).
Then re-generate the Dashboard-Link with the included new column.
In the Data Feed with the updated link you should see a new column that contains both the amount and unit as text. You can use string manipulation operators (find first space, substring to/from space into new column) to separate them into different columns if desired.
Alternatively you can also turn your original "=QUERY_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE(...)" into a "=TO_STRING(QUERY_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE(...))" if you don't want a new column.