before starting the e-learning course I tried out a bit of functions and did not pass the test twice.
Now I passed this course, but can't start the exam because of used up all my attempts. How can I reset it?
Thanks for help
Dear Martin,
Please check a file with the name extension .SOL in this folder %userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects. In that file both your learning progress and your tries for the exam are saved.
So, if you delete that file you will reset your exam's tries but also all learning progress will be gone, too.
Let me know if that works for you.
Dear Rune,
thank you for the quick response. I didn't found the .sol file in SharedObjects, but your tip regarding Flash Player helped me to solve my problem. I have deleted all local storage settings of FlashPlayer on my pc. Here the help site from adobe with the description of the problem solution: help.adobe.com/en_US/FlashPlayer/LSM/WS6aa5ec234ff3f285139dc56112e3786b68c-7fff.html. After that all settings in the e-learning couse were reseted and I was able to start again. Thanks for that.
Another Please - My English is terrible (I'm working on). That is why I have often problems to understand the tutor during the course. A script of the spoken text would be very helpful fo all the learners like me (a bit older and not so skilled in english). Maybe there is a script from the production of this course, which could be used? It is also a very effective way to learn english phrases and vocabulary, you need for BPM, by read and hear the course simultaneously.
I know - this are many wishes - but he who does not ask.... :-)