
I've been able to successfully export up until one Express file yesterday, which keep crashing. I've tried others and they work fine. The message give no indication as to why it keeps failing. I've tried copying the content and pasting to a new document, I've tried renaming and neither works, though other files do. Any clue as to why this is happening and if there is a workaround?

I'm no a Mac, but using Express via Virtual box and Windows 10. I have a Java launcher and running Express 2.4c. If there is other info I can give to help, please let me know. I'm trying to convert to PDF so that I can share with a supplier.


Any help would be appreciated






Strangely, by copying a small section at a time to a new document and testing each new addition for a PDF export, I found that it worked at every attempt, until I'd complete the pasting. I then tried the full re-pasted document and it worked. I've written over the original and that also works. No clue as to what was stopping the original file, whether there was something in the ARIS file that did not belong there.

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