Here is the sequence of steps I followed:

  1. Installed ARIS with SQL Server Database on the First Server.
  2. Stopped All Runnables on the First Server:
  3. Installed ARIS on the Second Server with an Internal Database:
  4. Switched Database System on the Second Server:
    • Followed the steps in the documentation (10-0sr5_Switch_Database_System) to change the database system from the internal database to the SQL Server database used by the first server.
  5. Started ARIS on the Second Server.
  6. Created a New User "user2" on the Second Server:
  7. Stopped All Runnables on the Second Server:
  8. Started All Runnables on the First Server:
  9. Checked for User:
    • Noticed that the newly created user "user2" does not exist on the first server.

Has anyone encountered a similar issue or can guide what might be going wrong? 

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